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Direct Employer Support

We provide support to employers and business owners through development of workers across our area. Our system offers essential tools to transform and leverage the local workforce to meet the changing demands of the economy, and keeping your business competitive.

Our location inside the American Job Center makes us a one stop shop with access to Business Service Representatives and can assist with recruiting, hiring, training or upskilling their workforce. A member of our staff can offer a range of customized training options to meet businesses' needs.

We are also able to provide information about local and federal resources to assist with business decisions, including marketing, events and economic development opportunities.

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On-The-Job Training / Incumbent Worker Training

Through our On-the-Job Training Program (OJT) employers are offered the opportunity to build their workforce without the large initial costs involved with training and customized training.

We assist the employer by offering pre-screened eligible candidates and pay at least 50% reimbursement of the candidates pay for up to 800 hours (Must be at least 30/hrs weekly) while they are being trained for the job. Upon successful completion of the program, you are encouraged to hire the participant directly.

We also offer training services to help companies remain competitive by updating or enhancing the skills of their current workforce.

The Northwest Regional Workforce Investment Board’s Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) Program provides federal funds to employers for their current workers to receive  upskilling/continuing education.  IWT supports employees in obtaining industry-based skills or credentials that lead to career advancement and income mobility.

For further information, please contact Thomasina Tatum at (203) 574-6971 ext. 465

Business Services

As a Connecticut business, you can take advantage of state and federal tax credits that reward you for investing in workforce development. From hiring apprentices in the manufacturing trades to providing training opportunities for employees, these programs help you grow your workforce while reducing costs.

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Regional Sector Partnerships

State and local workforce boards lead sector strategy and career pathway initiatives - regional, industry-focused approaches to workforce and economic development that improve access to good jobs and increase job quality in ways that strengthen an industry’s workforce and connect people to jobs.

Overview of Healthcare and Manufacturing RSP Success

These are partnerships of businesses, from the same industry and in a shared labor market region, who work with education, workforce development, economic development and community organizations to address the workforce and other competitiveness needs of the targeted industry. 

  • Industry-Driven
  • Community-Supported
  • Sustainable over time
  • Active across the country
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Department of Economic and Community Development

The Department of Economic and Community Development is the state's lead agency for the development and implementation of policies, strategies and programs all of which are designed to enhance Connecticut's communities and business and housing environments.

We work closely with staff at DECD to develop business opportunities in the Northwest region.

The Connecticut Development Authority offers business assistance including direct & guaranteed loans that enable and encourage companies to expand and succeed.

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Employer Satisfaction Survey

Take the Survey

Meet the Team


Marco Ramirez


Job Developer

203-755-5117 ext. 563
Photo of Subsidized Employment Job Developer, Cheryl Olmstead

Cheryl Olmstead


JFES Coordinator

203-574-6971 ext. 459

Thomasina Tatum


Director of Business Services

203-574-6971 ext. 465
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Warren Leach


Job Developer

203-755-5117 ext. 565

Contact Us

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