At its core, the NRWIB is a connector between job seekers and employers, aiming to address the evolving demands of the labor market. It operates within the framework of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), which emphasizes the importance of collaboration among various stakeholders to enhance the workforce system's effectiveness.
NRWIB's key work is the provision of workforce development services to individuals seeking employment or career advancement opportunities. These services may include career counseling, skills assessment, training programs, job search assistance, and support services such as transportation and childcare. By empowering individuals with necessary resources and support, the NRWIB aims to enhance their employability and help them secure meaningful employment. By operating a variety of workforce development programs designed to meet the needs of the community, NRWIB can address unique challenges faced by our clients. Some of the services we offer target specific populations, such as youth, veterans, individuals with disabilities or those facing barriers to employment. Equitable and inclusive opportunities are created to solve unique challenges for all members of the workforce.